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Music Box of Christmas Carols; Music Boxes from the Bornand Collection
Canterbury Choristers; Dr. Newell B. Wright, conductor
1. Carol of the Advent (traditional)
2. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (Richard Willis)
3. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)
4. Rise Up, Shepherds, and Follow (traditional)
5. Silent Night, Holy Night (Franz Gruber)
6. Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine (traditional)
7. Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
8. Angels We Have Heard on High (traditional)
9. O Sanctissima (traditional)
10. What Child is This? (traditional)
11. O Come O Come Emmanuel (traditional)
12. The First Noel (William Sandys)
13. Joy to the World (Isaac Watts)
14. Adeste Fideles (Frederick Oakeley)
15. Adeste Fideles (Frederick Oakeley)
16. Away in a Manger (traditional)
17. O Tannenbaum (traditional)
18. The Carol of the Angels (John Jacob Niles)
19. Chimes of the Trinity (traditional)
20. Good King Wenceslas (John Mason Neale)
21. Jingle Bells (James Pierpont)
22. I Wonder As I Wander (John Jacob Niles)
23. O Little Town of Bethlehem (Lewis Henry Redner)
24. The First Noel (William Sandys)
25. Auld Lang Syne (Robert Burns)
26. Deck the Hall (traditional Welsh)

Alfred Deller Christmas Carols, Disc 1
Alfred Deller; Maurice Bevan; April Cantelo; Desmond Dupré; Gerald English; Stanley Taylor; Deller Consort; Alfred Deller, conductor
27. Pat-a-pan (Bernard de la Monnoye)
28. We Three Kings of Orient Are (John Henry Hopkins, Jr.)
29. I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In (Traditional)
30. The Coventry Carol (Traditional)
31. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (Richard Willis)
32. Good King Wenceslas (John Mason Neale)
33. Once in Royal David’s City (Henry Gauntlett)
34. Rocking (Hajej, nynjej) (Traditional Czech)
35. The First Nowell (John Stainer)
36. God Rest on You Merry, Gentlemen (Traditional)
37. Wither’s Rocking Hymn (traditional)
38. Silent Night (Franz Gruber)
39. Wassail Song (Traditional)
40. Dormi Jesu! (John Rutter)
41. Boar’s Head Carol (Traditional)
42. Past Three A Clock (George Ratcliffe Woodward)
43. Lullay My Liking (Gustav Holst)
44. Adam Lay Ybounden (Traditional)
45. Herrick’s Carol (Traditional)
46. Angelus ad Virginem (Traditional)
47. The Holly and the Ivy (Traditional)
48. O Little One Sweet (Traditional)
49. Song of the Nuns of Chester (Traditional)
50. Winter-Rose (Traditional)
51. In Dulci Jubilo (Traditional)

Chansons de Noel
Martha Schlamme,soprano; Ruggero Gerli; Edward Vito
52. Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle (Émile Blémont)
53. Voyage (traditional French)
54. Noel nouvelet (traditional French)
55. Noel (Louis-Claude Daquin)
56. Boutons nos habit les plus beaux (traditional French)
57. Le March des Rois (traditional French)
58. Carillon (Jean-François Dandrieu)
59. Noel provencal (traditional French)
60. Noel de Strasbourg (traditional French)
61. Fanne courage, le dibale a mort (Claude Balbastre)
62. Noel poitevin (traditional French)

German Christmas Songs
Erich Kunz; Mozartsangerknaben; Vienna Volksoper Orchestra; Erich Swarzbauer, conductor
63. O du Froliche (Traditional)
64. In dulci jubilo (Traditional)
65. Weinactsglocken (“Susser die Glocken nie klingen”) (Jürgen Knuth)
66. Christkindl Wiegenlied (“Es wird scho glei dumpa”) (Traditional)
67. Die blume Jesses (“Est ist ein Reis enstprungen”) (Michael Praetorius)
68. Dirtenied an der krippe (“Still, still, weil’s Kindlein schlafen will”) (traditional)
69. Das Christkind (“Alle Jahre wieder”) (Friedrich Silcher)
70. Ein altes Marienlied (“Maria durch ein Dornwald ging”) (traditional)
71. Das himmlische Alleluja (“Es hat sich halt eröffnet”) (traditional)
72. Die Kinder bei der Krippe (“Ihr Kinderlein kommet”) (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz)
73. Christkindleins Wiegenlied (“O Jesulein zart”) (Samuel Scheidt)
74. Die frohe Kunde (“Vom Himmel Hoch”) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
75. Kindelwiegen (“Josef, lieber Josef mein”) (traditional)
76. Susani (traditional)
77. “O Tannenbaum” (Ernst Anschütz)
78. Maria auf dem Berge (“Auf dem Berge, da geht der Wind”) (traditional)
79. Geistliches Echolied (“Als ich bei meine Schefen wacht”) (Traditional)
80. Die heilige Nacht (Stille Nacht) (Franz Gruber)

Christmas Eve at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Cathedral of St. John the Divine Cathedral Choir; Richard Westerburg, conductor;
Cathedral Boys Choir; David Pizzaro, conductor
81. O Come, All Ye Faithful (John Francis Wade)
82. The Shepherd’s Carol (William Billings)
83. Organ with state trumpets (Improv)
84. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (traditional)
85. Entrance Hymn: “Trisagion” (Victoria)
86. The Beatitudes (Byzantine chant)
87. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (Felix Mendelssohn)
88. Ninefold Alleluia, Announcement of the Holy Gospel, Organ Respond (traditional)
89. Sanctus and Benedictus (traditional)
90. Communion Anthem: “To Thy Heavenly Banquet” (traditional)
91. “Hodie Christus Natus Est” (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
92. “O Magnum Mysterium” (Tomas Luis de Victoria)
93. Organ improvisation (Improvisation)
94. The First Nowell (traditional)

Christmas Carols
Mary Thomas; Alfred Deller; Eileen Poulter; Wilfred Brown; Gerald English; Maurice Bevan; Desmond Dupré; Deller Consort; Alfred Deller, conductor
95. Deck the Halls (Traditional)
96. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (Felix Mendelssohn)
97. Lute-book Lullaby (Traditional)
98. Ye Shepherds (Traditional)
99. Joy to the World (Lowell Mason)
100. Down in Yon Forest (Traditional)
101. Carol tune: People Look East (Traditional)
102. Blessed Be That Maid Mary (Traditional)
103. Sir Christmas (Traditional)
104. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Traditional)
105. O Come, All Ye Faithful (John Francis Wade)
106. The Twelve Days of Christmas (Traditional)
107. Here We Come A-Wassailing (Traditional)
108. All My Heart This Night Rejoices (Johann Georg Ebeling)
109. Joseph Dearest (Song of the Crib) (Traditional)
110. I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In (Traditional)
111. How Far Is It To Bethlehem? (Geoffrey Shaw)
112. The Birds (Traditional)
113. Elizabethan popular tune: The Old Year Now (Greensleeves) (Traditional)
114. A Merry Christmas (Traditional)

18th Century Christmas
I Soloisti di Zagreb; Antonio Janigro, conductor
115. Concerto Grosso, Op.6, No. 8, “Christmas” (Arcangelo Corelli)
116. Three Chorales: Fro, Heaven Above to Earth I Come (JS Bach)
117. Three Chorales: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (JS Bach)
118. Three Chorales: Praise God, the Lord, ye Sons of Men (JS Bach)
119. Toy Symphony: I: Allegro (Leopold Mozart)
120. Toy Symphony: II: Menuetto – Trio – Menuetto (Leopold Mozart)
121. Toy Symphony: III: Finale (Leopold Mozart)
122. Pastoral Concerto for the Nativity, Op 8, No. 6 (Giuseppe Torelli)

Czech Carols and Music for Christmas and the Nativity
Children’s Choir of Radio Prague; Ensemble Pro Arte Antique of Prague; Dr. Bohumil Kulinski, conductor
123. Jak jai krasne (How Beautiful You Are)/Pujdem spolu do Betlema (Together We’ll Go To Bethlehem)/Nastal nam den vesely (A happy day began for us)/Rada bych vedela (I would like to know)/Nad Betleman hvezdicka (A star above Bethlehem)/Pastryi (The Shepherds)/Snih bily pada (While snow is falling) (Czech traditional)
124. Vesele vanocni hody (Merry Christmas holidays)/Co to znamena (What does it mean)/Ukolebavka Jezultku (Sleep, slumber)/Hajej nynej/Slyste, slyste pastuskove (Hear ye, little shepherds) (Czech traditional)
125. Nesem vam noviny (We bring thee tidings)/Vstavej Janku (Get up, Johnny)/Vanocni zvony (Christmas bells)/Pospeame (Let’s hurry)/Vshuru bratri mili (Arise, dear brethren)/Eidli, fidli (let’s play the fiddle)/Hraji dudy (The bagpipes are playing)/zadudej dudacku (Play, bagpiper)/Narodil se Kristus Pan (Christ the Lord has risen) (Czech traditional)
126. Warod nocnej cixzy (In the still of the night)/Aniol pasterzom mowil’ (The shepherds heard the angels)/Hej, hej, lilija (Blossoming of the lily) (Czech traditional)
127. Prybiezeli do Belejem (Shepherds came to Bethlehem)/Nismasz, ci niemasz (Thou has naught)/Triumfy krola niebieskiego (Triumphs, heralding the Kings of Heaven) (Czech traditional)
128. Bog sie rodzi/Gdy sie Chrystus rodzi (When Christ is born) /Dlaczegoz dzisiaj wsrod nocy dnieje (Why of all days, tonight it dawns) (Czech traditional)
129. Lulajze Jezuniu (Sleep, Infant Jesus) /W Betlejem miescie (In the town of Bethlehem)/Hey, bracia! (Shepherds, are you sleeping?) (Czech traditional)

Christmas for the Nativity - Deller Consort
Robert Tear, tenor; Honor Sheppard, soprano; Mark Deller, tenor; Alfred Deller, tenor; Maurice Bevan, baritone;

Vienna Musica Antiqua; René Clemencic, conductor; Deller Consort
130. Gymel (Guillelmus Monachus)
131. Nowell, nowell: Tidings true (Anonymous)
132. Sanctus (Anonymous)
133. Blessed be Thou, Heavenly Queen (King V Henry)
134. Qui natus est (Anonymous)
135. Burden and Carol (Anonymous)
136. Nova! Nova! (Anonymous)
137. Angelus ad virginem (instr.) (Anonymous)
138. Hail, Mary full of grace (Anonymous)
139. In die nativitas (Richard Smert)
140. There is no rose of such virtue (Traditional)
141. Kyrie (John Dunstable)
142. Quid petis o fili (Richard Pygott)
143. Carol: I saw (Anonymous)
144. Nowell, nowell: Out of your sleep (Anonymous)
145. Fauxbourdon (instr.) (Guillelmus Monachus)
146. Quam pulchra es (John Dunstable)

Christmas Carols
Roland Hayes, tenor; Reginald Boardman, piano
147. Sleep My Little One (Traditional)
148. D’ou Viens-tu, Bergere (Traditional French)
149. Waken, O Shepherds (Jean Philippe Rameau)
150.'Twas in the Moon of Winter-time (Jean de Brébeuf)
151. Wiegenlied (Johannes Brahms)
152. King Herod and the Cock (William Walton)
153. O Elijah, Prophet Great (Anonymous)
154. Die Heilige Joseph Siete (Anonymous)
155. The Glory Manger (Traditional)
156. Three Wise Men to Jerusalem Came (Traditional)
157. Go Tell It On the Mountain (John Wesley Work, Jr.)
158. The First Noel (Traditional)
159. O Come All Ye Faithful (John Francis Wade)
160. Stille Nacht, Helige Nacht (Franz Gruber)

Mimi Coertse, soprano; Margaret Sjöstedt, soprano; Hilde Rössl-Majdan, performer; Anton Dermota, tenor; Frederick Guthrie, bass; Vienna State Opera Orchestra, orchestra; Vienna State Opera Choir; Felix Prohaska, conductor
161. Chorus: Magnificat anima mea
162. Aria: Et exsultavit spiritus meus
163. Aria: Quia respexit humilitatem
164. Chorus: Omnes generationes
165. Aria: Quia fecit mihi magna
166. Duet: Et misericordia
167. Chorus: Fecit potentiam
168. Aria: Deposuit potentes
169. Aria: Esurientes implevit bonis
170. Chorus: Suscepit Israel
171. Chorus: Sicut locutus est
172. Chorus: Gloria Patri

Music for Christmas and the Nativity - Deller Consort

Robert Tear, tenor; Honor Sheppard, soprano; Mark Deller, tenor; Alfred Deller, tenor; Maurice Bevan, baritone;

Vienna Musica Antiqua; René Clemencic, conductor; Deller Consort
173. Motet (à 4): De Nativitate Domine (Anonymous)
174. Lauda: Ave Maria (Giacomo Fogliano)
175. Monody: Decet huius cunctis horis (Jan of Jenstejn)
176. In Nativitate Domine (à 4) (Pedro de Escobar)
177. O Regina, Lux Divina (à 3) (Anonymous)
178. Motet (à 4): Hodie Christus natus est (Giovanni Palestrina)
179. Motet (à 3): Nesciens mater (Byttering)
180. Et in terra pax (instr.) (Johannes Ciconia)
181. Crist and Sainte Marië (Saint Godric)
182. Sancta Maria (John Dunstable)
183. Isorythmic motet: O Maria virgo (instr.) (Anonymous)
184. Gloria (Anonymous)
185. Introït (à 4): Puer natus (Heinrich Isaac)
186. Foeno iacere (instr.) (Thomas Stoltzer)
187. Maria Zart, von edler Art (Ludwig Senfl)
188. Motet (à 3): Beata Progenies (Leonel Power)
189. Alleluya Psallat (Anonymous)

Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker (Ballet), Op.71
Utah Symphony Orchestra; University of Utah Chorus; Maurice Abravanel, conductor
190. Overture
191. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 1: The Christmas Tree
192. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 2: March
193. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 3: Little Galop. Entrance of the Guests
194. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 4: Drosselmeyer’s entrance. Dance Scene. Distribution of Presents
195. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 5: Scene. Grandfather’s Dance
196. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 6: Guests depart. Children retire to bed. Magi’s spell begins
197. Act 1, Scene 1, No. 7: Battle between Nutcracker and Mouse King
198. Act 1, Scene 2, No. 8: Fir Tree Forest in Winter
199. Act 1, Scene 2, No. 9: Waltz of the Snowflakes
200. Act 2, No. 10: The Castle. Kingdom of Sweets
201. Act 2, No. 11: Clara and the Nutcracker appear
202. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Chocolate (Spanish Dance)
203. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Coffee (Arabian Dance)
204. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Tea (Chinese Dance)
205. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Trepak (Russian Dance)
206. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Dance of the Mirlitons (Reed Pipes)
207. Act 2, No. 12: Divertissement. Mother Gigogne and the Tumblers
208. Act 2, No. 13: Waltz of the Flowers
209. Act 2, No. 14: Pas de deux
210. Act 2, No. 14a: Variation I, Tarantella
211. Act 2, No. 14b: Variation II, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
212. Act 2, No. 14c: Coda
213. Act 2, No. 15: Final Waltz and Apotheosis

Johann Sebastian Bach: Orgelbuchlein Christmas, BWV 603-612; New Year’s Day, BWV 613-615
Anton Heiller, organ

214. Puer natus in Bethlehem, BWV 603
215. Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 604
216. Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, BWV 605
217. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her, BWV 606
218. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar, BWV 607
219. In dulci jubilo, BWV 608
220. Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich, BWV 609
221 .Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 610
222. Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611
223. Wir Christenleut’, BWV 612
224. Helft mir Gottes Gute preisen, BWV 613
225. Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV 614
226. In dir ist Freude, BWV 615

George Frideric Handel: Messiah
Margaret Price, soprano; Yvonne Minton, contralto; Alexander Young, tenor; Justino Diaz, bass; Amor Artis Chorale;

Colin Tilney; English Chamber Orchestra; Johannes Somary, conductor
227. Part I: Sinfonia: Grave – Allegro moderato
228. Part I: Accompanied Recitative: Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye my People
229. Part I: Air: Every Valley Shall be Exalted (Tenor)
230. Part I: Chorus: And the Glory of the Lord Shall be Revealed
231. Part I: Accompanied Recitative: Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts (Bass)
232. Part I: Air: But who may Abide the Day of his Coming (Alto)
233. Part I: Chorus: And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi
234. Part I: Recitative: Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive (Alto)
235. Part I: Air: O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Alto and Chorus)
236. Part I: Accompanied Recitative: For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Bass)
237. Part I: Air: The People that Walked in Darkness (Bass)
238. Part I: Chorus: For unto us a Child is Born
239. Part I: Pifa: Pastoral Symphony
240. Part I: Accompanied Recitative: There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field (Soprano)
241. Part I: Recitative: And the Angel said unto them (Soprano)
242. Part I: Recitative: And suddenly there was the angel (Soprano)
243. Part I: Chorus: Glory to God in the highest
244. Part I: Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Alto)
245. Part I: Recitative: Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened (Alto)
246. Part I: Air: He Shall Feed his Flock (Alto, Soprano)
247. Part I: Chorus: His Yoke is Easy
248. Part II: Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God
249. Part II: Air: He was Despised and Rejected of Men (Alto)
250. Part II: Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs
251. Part II: Chorus: And with his Stripes we are Healed
252. Part II: Chorus: All we like Sheep have Gone Astray
253. Part II: Accompagnato: All they that see him (Tenor)
254. Part II: Chorus: He Trusted In God
255. Part II: Accompanied Recitative: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken his Heart (Tenor)
256. Part II: Arioso: Behold, and see (Tenor)
257. Part II: Accompanied Recitative: He was Cut off out of the Land of the Living
258. Part II: Air: But Thou Didst not Leave his Soul in Hell (Tenor)
259. Part II: Chorus: Lift up your Heads
260. Part II: Recitative: Unto which of the Angels said he at Any Time (Tenor)
261. Part II: Chorus: Let all the Angels of God Worship him
262. Part II: Air: Thou art Gone up on High (Alto)
263. Part II: Chorus: The Lord Gave the Word
264. Part II: Air: How Beautiful are the Feet of them (Soprano)
265. Part II: Chorus: Their Sound is Gone out into all Lands
266. Part II: Air: Why do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together (Bass)
267. Part II: Chorus: Let us Break their Bonds Asunder
268. Part II: Recitative: He that Dwelleth in Heaven (Tenor)
269. Part II: Air: Thou Shalt Break them with a Rod of Iron (Tenor)
270. Part II: Chorus: Hallelujah
271. Part III: Air: I Know that my Redeemer Liveth (Soprano)
272. Part III: Chorus: Since by Man came Death
273. Part III: Recitative – secco: Behold, I Tell you a Mystery (Bass)
274. Part III: Air: The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass)
275. Part III: Recitative – secco: Then Shall be Brought to Pass (Alto)
276. Part III: Duet: O Death, Where is Thy Sting? (Alto, Tenor)
277. Part III: Chorus: But Thanks be to God
278. Part III: Air: If God is for us (Soprano)
279. Part III: Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb / Amen

280. Matthew 2:1 -- The Birth of Jesus Christ
As read by Charlton Heston

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