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William Steinberg: Milestones of a Conductor Legend (10 CDs)

William Steinberg: Milestones of a Conductor Legend (10 CDs)


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William Steinberg, who was born in Cologne, belongs in the ranks of prominent
conductors who left Germany in the 1930s and took up important positions in the
musical life of the USA – among them also Erich Kleiber, Otto Klemperer, Fritz Busch,
Bruno Walter and Erich Leinsdorf. The Jewish musician Steinberg began his
conducting career in 1924 as Otto Klemperer's assistant in Frankfurt and went from
Nazi Germany to Palestine to help set up a symphony orchestra there, which was to
become the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The great Toscanini, who was also involved
in this project, invited Steinberg to New York to become his assistant at and to
occasionally lead the NBC Symphony Orchestra. Steinberg succeeded quickly and for
a while held two positions as chief conductor. He left a trail of exquisitely led orchestras from New York via Buffalo and San Francisco to London during his brilliant career. The main orchestra of his career was and remained the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, which he headed from 1952 to 1976 and which he molded into one of the most renowned ensembles in the USA. The recordings collected in this box-set present Steinberg as both a powerful and sensitive musician. His repertoire was broad and he left us with highly praised interpretations of works of almost every genre and style.

"You always have to respect the character of the music and never try to sprout lush
bushes in a well-tended English garden.“
(William Steinberg)

CD 1
■ Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911)
Symphony No. 1 in D major “Titan” / D-Dur (1960)
1. I. Langsam. Schleppend. Wie ein Naturlaut 12‘51 – Im Anfang sehr gemächlich
2. II. Kräftig bewegt, doch nicht zu
schnell 7‘51
3. III. Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu
schleppen 10‘31
4. IV. Stürmisch bewegt 17‘28
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1953
Total Time 48‘44

CD 2
■ Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
Symphony No. 3 in E Flat major Op. 55 “Eroica”/ Es-Dur (1955)

1. I. Allegro con brio 14‘54
2. II. Marcia funebre: Adagio assai 16‘18
3. III. Scherzo: Allegro vivace 5‘36
4. IV. Finale: Allegro molto 11‘10
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1955
Total Time 47‘59

CD 3
■ Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
Symphony No. 6 in F major Op. 68 “Pastoral“ / F-Dur (1953)

1. I. Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft 11‘39 auf dem Lande
2. II. Szene am Bach 12‘55
3. III. Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute 5‘32
4. IV. Gewitter – Sturm 3‘56
5. V. Hirtengesang – Frohe und dankbare Gefühle 10‘00 nach dem Sturm
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1950‘s

Sergej Prokofiev (1891 – 1953)
Symphony No. 1 in D major Op. 25 “Classical” / D-Dur
6. I. Allegro 3‘35
7. II. Larghetto 4‘10
8. III. Gavotta: Non troppo allegro 1‘44
9. IV. Finale: Molto vivace 3‘53
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1953 Total
Time 57‘34

CD 4
■ Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor, Opus 15 / d-Moll (1957) 
1. I. Maestoso. 21‘02 Poco più moderato
2. II. Adagio 13‘14
3. III. Rondo: 11‘23 Allegro non troppo
Rudolf Firkušný piano / Klavier
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent
William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1950‘s

Edward Elgar (1857 – 1934)
Variations on an Original Theme Op. 36 “Enigma” / Enigma-Variationen
4. Theme: Andante 1‘17
5. I. C.A.E. L’istesso tempo 1‘51
6. II. H.D.S.-P. Allegro 0‘45
7. III. R.B.T. Allegretto 1‘17
8. IV. W.M.B. Allegro di molto 0‘32
9. V. R.P.A. Moderato 1‘55
10. VI. Ysobel. Andantino 1‘38
11. VII. Troyte. Presto 0‘56
12. VIII. W.N. Allegretto 1‘36
13. IX. Nimrod. Adagio 3‘19
14. X. Intermezzo: Dorabella. 2‘51 Allegretto
15. XI. G.R.S. Allegro di molto 0‘55
16. XII. B.G.N. Andante 2‘50
17. XIII. Romanza. Moderato 2‘30
18. XIV. Finale: E.D.U. Allegro 5‘00
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1959
Total Time 75‘05

CD 5
■ Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856)
Piano Concerto in A minor Op. 54 / a-Moll (1949) 
1. I. Allegro affettuoso 14‘46
2. II. Intermezzo 5‘16
3. III. Allegro vivace 10‘05
Artur Rubinstein piano / Klavier
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1947

■ Felix Mendelssohn (1809 – 1847)
Symphony No. 3 in A minor Op. 56 MWV N18 “Scotch” / a-Moll
4. I. Andante con moto. Allegro un poco agitato 12‘07
5. II. Vivace non troppo 4‘12
6. III. Adagio 8‘46
7. IV. Allegro vivacissimo. Allegro maestoso assai 8‘43
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 40/50‘s
Total Time 64‘05

CD 6
■ Peter I. Tschaikowsky (1840 – 1893)
Symphony No. 6 in B minor Op. 74 “Pathétique” / h-Moll (1954)

1. I. Adagio. Allegro non troppo 18‘22
2. II. Allegro con grazia 8‘14
3. III. Allegro molto vivace 9‘44
4. IV. Adagio lamentoso. Andante 9‘22
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1950‘s

Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937)
5. La valse 11‘23
6. Bolero 15‘30
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1956
Total Time 72‘47

CD 7
■ Violin Concerto in D major Op. 61 / D-Dur (1955)
1. I. Allegro ma non troppo 21‘13
2. II. Larghetto 9‘17
3. III. Rondo: Allegro 8‘39
Nathan Milstein violin / Violine
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1955

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
4. Romance for violin and orchestra in F major Op. 50 / 7‘55
Romanze für Violine und Orchester F-Dur
5. Romance for violin and orchestra in G major Op. 40 / 6‘52
Romanze für Violine und Orchester G-Dur

Jascha Heifetz violin / Violine
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1956
Total Time 54‘01

CD 8
■ Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)
Violin Concerto in D major Op. 77 / D-Dur (1954) O-Album
1. I. Allegro non troppo 19‘36
2. II. Adagio 8‘55
3. III. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo
vivace 7‘40
Nathan Milstein violin / Violine
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1953/54

Max Bruch (1838 – 1920)
Scottish Fantasy in E flat major for Violin, Harp and Orchestra Op. 46 / Schottische Fantasie Es-Dur für Violine, Harfe und Orchester
4. I. Introduktion: Adagio cantabile 7‘42
5. II. Scherzo: Allegro. Adagio 4‘35
6. III. Andante sostenuto 6‘31
7. IV. Finale: Allegro guerrieiro 6‘37

Jascha Heifetz violin / Violine
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1947
Total Time 61‘44

CD 9
■ Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949)
Suite from Der Rosenkavalier & Don Juan (1958) 
1. Introduction to Act 1 2‘31
2. Arrival of the Rose- cavallier & Presentation of the Rose (Act 2) 5‘33
3. Introduction to Act 2 & Pantomine Waltzes (Act 2) 9‘24
4. Terzett from Act 3 & Duet. 7‘36 Denouement and Grand Waltz (Act 3)
5. Don Juan Op. 20 Symphonic poem / 14‘57 Sinfonische Dichtung für großes Orchester
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1957

Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949)
6. Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche Op. 28 14‘02
Symphonic poem / Tondichtung für großes Orchester
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1954
Total Time 54‘16

CD 10
■ Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor Op. 11 / e-Moll (1952)
1. I. Allegro maestoso 16‘38
2. II. Romance: Larghetto 9‘33
3. III. Rondo: Vivace 9‘34
Alexander Brailowsky piano / Klavier
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1949

■ Édouard Lalo (1823 – 1892)
Symphonie espagnole in D minor Op. 21 / d-Moll (1950’s) O-Album
4. I. Allegro non troppo 7‘06
5. II. Scherzando: Allegro molto 4‘14
6. III. Andante 5‘34
7. IV. Rondo: Allegro 6‘24
Jascha Heifetz violin / Violine
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra
conductor / Dirigent William Steinberg
recorded / aufgenommen 1947
Total Time 59‘11

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